This unique "Guardian Angel " Christian limited edition collectible Silver Eagle coin is a great gift which will appreciate in price over time. This extremely hard to find colorized coin is minted in very low numbers and is very collectible. The durable finish is created through a special high-tech colorization process overlaid on a genuine United States Silver Eagle 99.9% pure, uncirculated solid silver dollar coin minted in the Official U.S. Mint. Each coin ships in a custom air tight capsule which protects the coin from handling and the elements with a draw-string felt gift pouch. Quantities are very limited. Please contact us with any questions you may have. In various theistic religious traditions, an angel is a supernatural spiritual being who serves God. Abrahamic religions often depict angels as benevolent celestial intermediaries between God and humanity.] Other roles include protectors and guides for humans, such as guardian angels, and servants of God. Abrahamic religions describe angelic hierarchies, which vary by religion and sect. Some angels have specific names (such as Gabriel or Michael) or titles (such as seraph or archangel). Evil angels, either hostile to humanity or towards God, are often conceived as "fallen angels", expelled from heavenly realm. The Wounded Angel, Hugo Simberg, 1903, voted Finland's "national painting" in 2006 Angels in art are often identified with bird wings,[4] halos,[5] and divine light. They are usually shaped like humans of extraordinary beauty, though this is not always the case—sometimes, they can be portrayed in a frightening, inhuman manner.